Journal of Refugee Studies
Volume 17, Issue 3, 2004, Pages 319-333

The Comprehensive Plan of Action for Indochinese Refugees, 1989-1997: Sharing the burden and passing the buck (Article) (Open Access)

Robinson W.C.*
  • a Ctr Intl Emer Disaster/Refugee Studs, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21205, United States


The Comprehensive Plan of Action for Indochinese Refugees, 1989-1997, has been hailed as a model of international solidarity and burden-sharing and criticized as an example of international buck-passing and questionable compromises. Looking back on this agreement-one in which both Sergio Vieira de Mello and Arthur Helton played significant roles-a fair conclusion might be that it was both. Though flawed in its implementation, however, the CPA does serve as a model of how interlocking commitments-to asylum, resettlement and repatriation-can promote regional cooperation in response to protracted refugee crises. Considering their roles in the CPA, though they operated from different institutional vantage-points, both de Mello and Helton showed an ability to combine humanitarian principles with political pragmatism. © Oxford University Press 2004.

Author Keywords

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Index Keywords

asylum seeker refugee resettlement policy repatriation


DOI: 10.1093/jrs/17.3.319
ISSN: 09516328
Cited by: 34
Original Language: English