Volume 81, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 427-441

Refugees’ expectations of durable solutions to their problems: deliberations from the Buduburam camp in Ghana (Article)

Addo I.Y.*
  • a Department of Population and Health, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana


From the year 1990 to date, refugees living in Ghana encounter various socio-economic challenges in their toils to survive, leading to tensions over limited resources between them and members of the host communities. Voluntary repatriation, local integration, and resettlement programmes have been introduced as permanent solutions to their plights, but the given packages do not correspond with their expectations; resulting in their indefinite stay in camps. Despite this, not much information is available on their specific expectations about the durable solutions. Employing ‘When Displacement Ends’ framework, this article examines refugees’ expectations about the durable solutions. Questionnaires and interview guide were used to gather data from the refugees living in the Buduburam camp. Regardless of their preferred durable solutions, demand for employment, quality education/scholarships, skills training, and affordable health care services were common expectations. Quest for more financial incentives and security were eminent expectations of voluntary repatriation while they called for nondiscrimination against them, if they integrate into Ghana. However, there were variations in these expectations considering their background characteristics. For instance: those with no formal education mostly hoped-for skills training, the aged were eagerly concerned about health services while those in the assumed ‘school age’ predominantly requested for quality education with scholarships. © 2015, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.

Author Keywords

resettlement Local integration Durable solutions Refugees’ expectations Voluntary repatriation Buduburam refugee camp

Index Keywords

education training questionnaire survey discriminant analysis socioeconomic survey refugee Surveys international law voluntary repatriation resettlement policy Ghana resettlement Refugee Camps health services health care Quality education Healthcare services Financial incentives incentive Formal education Buduburam geriatrics repatriation local participation Greater Accra


DOI: 10.1007/s10708-015-9632-8
ISSN: 03432521
Cited by: 2
Original Language: English