International Nursing Review
Volume 57, Issue 4, 2010, Pages 443-448

Acculturation among immigrant nurses in Israel and the United States of America (Article)

Ea E.* , Itzhaki M. , Ehrenfeld M. , Fitzpatrick J.
  • a Clinical Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, New York University, Broadway, NY, United States
  • b Teacher, The Academic School of Nursing, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, Israel, Teacher, Department of Nursing, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel
  • c Associate Professor, Department of Nursing, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel
  • d Professor, Case Western Reserve University, Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Cleveland, OH, United States


Former Soviet Union (FSU) nurses in Israel and Filipino registered nurses (RNs) in the United States of America (USA) play significant roles in the delivery of health-care services in their host countries. However, little is known about how they acculturate in a different culture.Objectives:The purposes of this study were to determine the levels of and the difference in acculturation of FSU nurses in Israel and Filipino RNs in the USA.Methods:Acculturation was assessed using A Short Acculturation Scale for Filipino Americans and t-test was conducted to determine the difference in acculturation between these two groups of immigrant nurses.Findings:Results revealed that Filipino RNs have an acculturation level that leaned towards their host culture while FSU nurses have an acculturation level that was closer to their original culture than the Israeli culture and that there was a significant difference in acculturation between these two groups of immigrant nurses.Conclusions:Differences in acculturation between two predominant groups of immigrant nurses in Israel and the USA exist. Understanding the differences and the factors that affect their integration into their host cultures could be used to develop strategies to assist Filipino and FSU immigrant nurses achieve positive personal and work-related outcomes. © 2010 The Authors. International Nursing Review © 2010 International Council of Nurses.

Author Keywords

Former Soviet Union Nurses Acculturation Filipino Registered Nurses immigrant nurses

Index Keywords

Israel nurse human middle aged USSR Nurses ethnology United States Humans male Emigrants and Immigrants Acculturation female questionnaire cultural factor Article Questionnaires adult migration Philippines


DOI: 10.1111/j.1466-7657.2010.00812.x
ISSN: 00208132
Cited by: 9
Original Language: English