Psychological Assessment
Volume 30, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 459-473

A tale of two measures: Concordance between the ARSMA-II and the BIQ acculturation scales among latino immigrant families (Article)

Martinez C.R., Jr. , Schwartz S.J. , Thier M. , McClure H.H.
  • a Center for Equity Promotion, Department of Educational Methodology, Policy, and Leadership, College of Education, University of Oregon, United States, Oregon Social Learning Center, Eugene, OR, United States
  • b Department of Public Health Sciences, Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, United States
  • c Center for Equity Promotion, Department of Educational Methodology, Policy, and Leadership, College of Education, University of Oregon, United States
  • d Center for Equity Promotion, Department of Educational Methodology, Policy, and Leadership, College of Education, University of Oregon, United States


Acculturation refers to the extent to which an individual immigrant (or immigrant group) acquires the customs and characteristics of a new receiving society and/or retains the customs and characteristics of the person's or group's cultural heritage. Different acculturation measures are often assumed to be interchangeable, although this assumption is rarely tested empirically. The purpose of the present study was to examine the overlap between 2 commonly used measures of acculturation among individuals of Latino/Hispanic ancestry in the United States, the Acculturation Rating Scale for Mexican Americans II (ARSMA-II) and the Bicultural Involvement Questionnaire-Short Version (BIQ-S). Specifically, we examined the ways in which scores from the 2 measures relate to one another, as well as similarities versus differences in the ways they predict external variables of interest (e.g., family functioning, parenting, and youth adjustment) that acculturation is known to influence. Findings indicate distinct patterns of results for the 2 measures. For instance, though the BIQ-S focuses entirely on language use and other cultural practices, the ARSMA-II more consistently relates to language variables. Further, adolescent BIQ-S cultural heritage scores related negatively to risks for and engagement in alcohol use-supporting prior findings-whereas ARSMA-II scores were unrelated to alcohol use. Given the largely nonoverlapping set of relationships of the BIQ-S and the ARSMA-II subscale scores with measures of language dominance and conflict, measures of parenting, and measures of youth outcomes, we recommend that studies utilize both of these measures to fully appraise acculturation in this population. © 2017 American Psychological Association.

Author Keywords

Concurrent validity Measurement Convergent validity Acculturation Latinos

Index Keywords

rating scale prospective study immigrant family functioning longitudinal study alcohol consumption Prospective Studies human Longitudinal Studies middle aged statistics and numerical data language Hispanic Americans Surveys and Questionnaires United States Humans migrant psychology Hispanic Adolescent male Emigrants and Immigrants case report Acculturation female PsycINFO juvenile reproducibility inheritance Reproducibility of Results questionnaire cultural factor Mexican American standards concurrent validity adult child parent relation convergent validity


DOI: 10.1037/pas0000491
ISSN: 10403590
Cited by: 2
Original Language: English