Violence Against Women
Volume 11, Issue 3, 2005, Pages 337-352

Knowledge and attitudes about intimate partner violence among immigrant latinos in rural North Carolina: Baseline information and implications for outreach (Article)

Moracco K.E.* , Hilton A. , Hodges K.G. , Frasier P.Y.
  • a University of North Carolina, United States, Depts. of Maternal and Child Health, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, United States
  • b University of North Carolina, United States
  • c Fam. Violence and Rape Crisis Serv., Fam. Violence and Rape Crisis Serv., Chatham County, NC, United States
  • d University of North Carolina, United States, Department of Family Medicine, School of Medicine, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, United States


To create appropriate intimate partner violence (IPV) services for Latino immigrants, practitioners must be aware of their needs. We conducted interviews with 100 recent Latino immigrants in a rural North Carolina county. Overall, IPV was not perceived to be a problem; however, men and women differed in their perceptions. Men were more likely to agree with IPV myths, and both men and women felt that IPV had a detrimental impact on children. Many did not know about the local domestic violence agency, and knowledge about protective orders was limited. Outreach should emphasize the seriousness of IPV, adapt content for gender-specific audiences, and increase awareness about local resources.

Author Keywords

Intimate partner violence Latinos

Index Keywords

Needs Assessment psychological aspect human middle aged statistics North Carolina rural population social support Hispanic Americans Spouse Abuse United States Humans Hispanic male female risk factor primary prevention Risk Factors cultural factor Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice Article partner violence health education adult patient attitude standard Patient Acceptance of Health Care Cultural Characteristics Community-Institutional Relations attitude to health public relations


DOI: 10.1177/1077801204273296
ISSN: 10778012
Cited by: 41
Original Language: English