Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanita
Volume 47, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 207-213

The role of post-migration living difficulties on somatization among first-generation immigrants visited in a primary care service (Article)

Aragona M.* , Pucci D. , Carrer S. , Catino E. , Tomaselli A. , Colosimo F. , Lafuente M. , Mazzetti M. , Maisano B. , Geraci S.
  • a Caritas Health Service Network, Rome, Italy, Sapienza Università di Roma, Via Carlo Fea 2, 00161 Rome, Italy
  • b Caritas Health Service Network, Rome, Italy
  • c Caritas Health Service Network, Rome, Italy
  • d Caritas Health Service Network, Rome, Italy
  • e Caritas Health Service Network, Rome, Italy
  • f Caritas Health Service Network, Rome, Italy
  • g Caritas Health Service Network, Rome, Italy
  • h Caritas Health Service Network, Rome, Italy
  • i Caritas Health Service Network, Rome, Italy
  • j Caritas Health Service Network, Rome, Italy


The role of post-migration living difficulties (PMLD) on somatization was studied in 101 first generation immigrants visited in primary care. Premigratory traumas and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were also assessed. About one third of patients somatized. Sociodemographic variables were similar in somatizers and non-somatizers. Premigratory traumas, PTSD and the likelihood to report at least one serious or very serious PMLD were higher in somatizers. Four kinds of PMLD were more frequent in somatizers: worries about unavailability of health assistance, working problems, discrimination and poor social help. Traumas and PTSD influenced the effect of PMLD on somatization. Findings suggest that in specific samples of primary care immigrants severe premigratory traumas increase the sensitivity to PMLD and in turn distress due to PMLD amplifies the tendency to somatize.

Author Keywords

Migration psychopathology Mental health Family medicine somatization

Index Keywords

psychological aspect human middle aged statistics Social Conditions social status Humans male female Socioeconomic Factors socioeconomics questionnaire Article Questionnaires adult migration posttraumatic stress disorder Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic Italy Transients and Migrants Somatoform Disorders somatoform disorder primary health care


DOI: 10.4415/ANN-11-02-13
ISSN: 00212571
Cited by: 17
Original Language: English