American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
Volume 80, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 34-45

Transforming an Evidence-Based Intervention to Prevent Perinatal Depression for Low-Income Latina Immigrants (Article)

Le H.-N.* , Zmuda J. , Perry D.F. , Muñoz R.F.
  • a George Washington University, United States
  • b Johns Hopkins University, United States
  • c Georgetown University, United States
  • d University of California, San Francisco, United States


There is growing interest in examining the extent to which evidence-based interventions, found to be efficacious for majority populations, are effective for low-income, ethnically diverse populations. Yet limited attention has been devoted to documenting the specific steps taken in adapting these interventions to meet the needs of the target ethnic population. This article describes the cultural adaptation of an evidence-based cognitive-behavioral therapy intervention to prevent perinatal depression in 2 different Latina immigrant communities using a 5-step iterative process: (a) identify need; (b) gather information; (c) design adaptation; (d) implement, evaluate, and refine adaptation; and (e) replicate and disseminate. Appropriate adaptations of evidence-based interventions have the potential to reduce disparities in utilization and outcomes for high-risk populations. Researchers should document their efforts to transform services for low-income, ethnically diverse populations. © 2010 American Orthopsychiatric Association.

Author Keywords

Latinas Evidence-based treatment Perinatal depression Cognitive-behavioral therapy Cultural adaptation prevention poverty

Index Keywords

Needs Assessment puerperal depression total quality management immigrant information dissemination mental health service health care planning lowest income group poverty human District of Columbia process design cognitive therapy health care practice Hispanic Americans United States Humans Emigrants and Immigrants female risk factor adaptive behavior pregnancy high risk population Article health care quality ethnicity risk reduction Depression, Postpartum evidence based medicine therapy effect


DOI: 10.1111/j.1939-0025.2010.01005.x
ISSN: 00029432
Cited by: 23
Original Language: English