Medical Journal of Australia
Volume 190, Issue 8, 2009, Pages 426-428

The natural history of vitamin D deficiency in African refugees living in Sydney (Article)

Benitez-Aguirre P.Z.* , Wood N.J. , Biesheuvel C. , Moreira C. , Munns C.F.
  • a Institute of Diabetes and Endocrinology, The Children's Hospital at Westmead, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  • b Institute of Diabetes and Endocrinology, The Children's Hospital at Westmead, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  • c Institute of Diabetes and Endocrinology, The Children's Hospital at Westmead, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  • d Sydney West Area Health Service, Sydney, NSW, Australia
  • e Institute of Diabetes and Endocrinology, The Children's Hospital at Westmead, Sydney, NSW, Australia


Objective: To describe the natural history of vitamin D deficiency in an at-risk population of African migrants living in Sydney. Design, setting and participants: Opportunistic study of 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] concentrations over time in a community-based cohort of North African refugee families living in south-western Sydney. As part of a health-screening program, serum concentrations of 25(OH)D, parathyroid hormone (PTH), calcium, phosphate (PO4) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were measured in September 2006 (end of winter, T1). Results for 25(OH)D were made available, and treatment was recommended as appropriate. In February-March 2007 (end of summer, T2), in the setting of a separate study of high-dose vitamin D (stoss) therapy, the same cohort was contacted, and measurements were repeated. Main outcome measures: Changes in 25(OH)D, PTH, ALP and PO4 concentrations between T1 and T2 in those who had not received vitamin D supplementation in the intervening period. Results: We collected data from 149 participants at T1; by T2, 58 participants (39%) had been excluded or lost to follow-up. Data from 91 participants (46% female), all of whom had Type VI (very dark) skin pigmentation, were included in the analysis. All 91 were 25(OH)D deficient at T1. Between T1 and T2, mean 25(OH)D serum concentration increased from 19 nmol/L (SD, 5.6 nmol/L) to 36 nmol/L (SD, 12.4 nmol/L) (P < 0.001). Of the 91 participants, 79 (87%) remained vitamin D deficient at T2. Serum PTH and ALP activity decreased between T1 and T2 (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Despite a significant increase in 25(OH)D serum concentration over the study period, most participants (87%) remained 25(OH)D deficient at the end of summer. Our results support the current consensus that recommends annual screening for vitamin D deficiency and routine vitamin D supplementation in at-risk populations, such as dark-skinned or veiled groups.

Author Keywords

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Index Keywords

immigrant refugee absence of side effects Australia mass screening drug megadose vitamin blood level human Longitudinal Studies Refugees middle aged Cohort Studies Vitamin D controlled study Seasons Calcium phosphate alkaline phosphatase blood level Residence Characteristics phosphate blood level alkaline phosphatase Humans parathyroid hormone calcium blood level Adolescent 25 hydroxyvitamin D male African Continental Ancestry Group female Infant Child, Preschool Africa vitamin D deficiency Article major clinical study adult Africa, Northern Sex Factors Age Factors vitamin supplementation skin pigmentation cohort analysis parathyroid hormone blood level Child


ISSN: 0025729X
Cited by: 17
Original Language: English