Medical Care
Volume 55, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 1017-1022

Trafficking and Trauma: Insight and Advice for the Healthcare System from Sex-trafficked Women Incarcerated on Rikers Island (Article)

Ravi A.* , Pfeiffer M.R. , Rosner Z. , Shea J.A.
  • a Institute for Family Health, 16 E. 16th Street, New York, NY 10003, United States
  • b Department of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, United States
  • c New York City Health and Hospitals, Correctional Health Services, United States
  • d Department of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, United States


Background: Sex-trafficked persons experience significant trauma while exploited, resulting in complex health issues and barriers to health care. Incorporating survivor perspectives is critical in optimizing health care delivery for this population. Objectives: We interviewed sex-trafficking survivors regarding their experiences with trauma while being trafficked and elicited advice about health care delivery. Research Design: Qualitative interviews were conducted in New York City's Rikers Island jail from July to September 2015. Subjects: In total, 21 English-speaking women who had experienced sex trafficking were the subjects of the study. Measures: Interview domains included: interpersonal violence, behavioral health, and health care delivery advice. Results: Interviewees described experiencing severe and chronic trauma perpetrated by traffickers and sex buyers. Substance use was the primary method of coping with trauma. With regard to mental health, interviewees noted diagnoses of depression, anxiety and posttraumatic stress disorder, low self-esteem, and challenges in intimate relationships. Health care delivery themes included approaches to discussing trafficking in health care settings, concerns regarding sexual assault examinations, and suggestions for improving direct-services and prevention programming. Conclusions: With this perspective into the complex intersection of trauma and behavioral health that sex-trafficked women can experience, health care providers can better understand the context and recommendations regarding trauma-informed care practices for this population. Our results also offer several avenues for future studies with regard to discussing trafficking in clinical settings and an opportunity for stakeholders to incorporate survivor-based input to improve health care for this population. © 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Author Keywords

sex trafficking Mental health violence Substance use trauma-informed care

Index Keywords

depression anxiety disorder mental health human survivor Life Change Events life event prisoner Survivors Prisoners cannabis coping behavior priority journal self esteem social worker mental health care sex trafficking cocaine Humans psychology female substance use qualitative analysis clinical article human trafficking women's health support group Prisons prison Article adult posttraumatic stress disorder Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic diamorphine health care system sexual assault sexual violence health care delivery


DOI: 10.1097/MLR.0000000000000820
ISSN: 00257079
Cited by: 5
Original Language: English