Group Processes & Intergroup Relations
Volume 17, Issue 5, 2014, Pages 617-628

Do “they” threaten “us” or do “we” disrespect “them”: Majority perceptions of intergroup relations and everyday contacts with immigrant minorities (Article)

Van Acker K. , Phalet K. , Deleersnyder J. , Mesquita B.
  • a University of Leuven, Belgium, Max-Planck Institute for the Study of Religious, Cultural Diversity, Germany
  • b University of Leuven, Belgium
  • c University of Leuven, Belgium
  • d University of Leuven, Belgium


The present study examined how majority perceptions of intergroup relations afford different contact experiences with immigrant minorities. Majority students attending culturally diverse high schools first completed a survey that measured the extent to which they perceived immigrant minorities as either threatening to the majority or discriminated by the majority. Two weeks later, the same majority students kept a 1-week diary of their contacts with immigrant minorities. As expected, perceived threat at premeasurement was positively associated with situated threat-related appraisals and emotions (e.g., fear) during everyday contacts with immigrant minorities 2–3 weeks later. In contrast, acknowledgment of discrimination at premeasurement was positively associated with perspective taking and enrichment-related appraisals and emotions (e.g., admiration). These findings suggest that generalized threat perceptions can become self-enforcing through repeated threatening contact experiences; but also that an alternative perception of minorities as disrespected by the majority may underlie more positive contact experiences. © 2014, SAGE Publications. All rights reserved.

Author Keywords

Perspective taking Intergroup threat discrimination Intergroup contact Anxiety

Index Keywords

[No Keywords available]


DOI: 10.1177/1368430214536062
ISSN: 13684302
Cited by: 2
Original Language: English