European Journal of Psychiatry
Volume 9, Issue 2, 1995, Pages 111-118

A study using Eysenck Personality Inventory among young French adults born to North-African immigrant parents (Article)

Bougerol T.* , Antoni M. , Scotto J.-C.
  • a Service Hospitalo, Universitaire Psychiatrie d'Adultes, Hopital Sainte-Marguerite, Cedez 9, 13274 Marseille, France
  • b Service Hospitalo, Universitaire Psychiatrie d'Adultes, Hopital Sainte-Marguerite, Cedez 9, 13274 Marseille, France
  • c Service Hospitalo, Universitaire Psychiatrie d'Adultes, Hopital Sainte-Marguerite, Cedez 9, 13274 Marseille, France


We report the study of Eysenck Personality Inventory on a group of 208 young French adults aged from 18 to 25, either born to French native parents (N = 118) or to North-African immigrant parents (N = 95). According to our results, there is a trend for immigrant born women to be more introverted, than native women and for immigrant born men to be more extravert than native men. This could reflect a tendency to more instability in the sub-sample of yound immigrant men which could explain some integration problems frequently observed in such population. On the other hand, psychological traits usually associated with high scores on Extraversion scales might point to differences in strategies that yound immigrants use to integrate. On the Neuroticism scale, a statistical difference between immigrant born and natives only appeared in the sub-group with no psychiatric disorders. In this group, immigrant born subjects appear to be more neurotic than natives. The consequences of this discrepancy could lead to a higher risk of neurotic disorders in the immigrant group and also to differences in social behaviours, usually thought to be linked to higher levels of neuroticism.

Author Keywords

Eysenck Personality Inventory, Immigration Cultural extraction Young people

Index Keywords

male controlled study introversion female extraversion Personality normal human progeny gender Article neurosis human adult social behavior migration


ISSN: 02136163
Cited by: 2
Original Language: English