Annales Medico-Psychologiques
Volume 152, Issue 1, 1994, Pages 38-40

Migration and mental health: About the cultural conflict and the integration of foreign people [MIGRATION ET PSYCHO-HYGIENE: REFLEXIONS SUR LE CHOC CULTUREL ET L'INTEGRATION DE MIGRANTS DE CULTURE ETRANGERE] (Conference Paper)

Friedmann A.* , Rieder N.
  • a Universitatsklinik fur Psychiatrie, Wahringer Gurtel 18-20, A-1099 Wien, Austria
  • b Universitatsklinik fur Psychiatrie, Wahringer Gurtel 18-20, A-1099 Wien, Austria


A population of soviet-jewish immigrants to Austria in the years 1970-1990 has been the subject of an ethnopsychiatrist and social psychiatrist study; the results of this study showed that there was a difference in the moment of the beginning of functional psychoses among them in dependence from their former belonging to the european or to the asiatic part of the USSR. The analysis of the results suggest that the cultural shock responsable was attenuated with the growing number of the immigrants and in relation with their inner cohesion or that with the autochthon population.

Author Keywords

Transcultural psychiatry Immigration cultural shock functional psychosis

Index Keywords

social psychology Austria cultural factor Conference Paper psychiatry ethnology human migration psychosis


ISSN: 00034487
Cited by: 3
Original Language: French