PPmP Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie
Volume 43, Issue 11, 1993, Pages 402-407

Existentialanalytic psychotherapy of working migrants with a conversion syndrome [EXISTENTIALANALYTISCHE PSYCHOTHERAPIE KONVERSIONSNEUROTISCH ERKRANKTER ARBEITSMIGRANTEN] (Article)

Opalic P. , Roder F.*
  • a Psychiatrisches Krankenhaus, Seilerweg 29, 36251 Bad Hersfeld, Germany
  • b Psychiatrisches Krankenhaus, Seilerweg 29, 36251 Bad Hersfeld, Germany


After a brief introduction into some existentialanalytic points of view of the body and of conversion syndrome the actual socio-cultural situation of the migrant workers is explained with many details. For the understanding of the meaning of the conversion symptoms it is necessary to search for the existential concept of the patient which is actually in danger. The therapeutic procedure following this concept is demonstrated on the base of four clinical cases.

Author Keywords

intercultural psychotherapy Migration existentialanalytic psychotherapy conversion syndrome

Index Keywords

psychological aspect methodology human Life Change Events life event object relation Object Attachment priority journal hysteria psychotherapy male case report Acculturation female Existentialism conversion disorder cultural factor psychoanalysis Psychoanalytic Therapy Article Support, Non-U.S. Gov't adult migration Transients and Migrants Middle Age English Abstract


ISSN: 09372032
Cited by: 2
Original Language: German